Is Elpako e-signature reliable?
certified and trusted e-signature that complies with
the highest quality and safety standards

The European Union’s eIDAS Regulation regulates electronic identification, authentication and trust services to facilitate and secure e-commerce, communication and transactions between Member States. Its purpose is to ensure a high level of data and information protection and to increase trust in electronic services.
Our services are fully compliant with this regulation and are approved by the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority. That is why we are included in the list of eIDAS trusted service providers, and we are the second qualified service provider in Lithuania in this field.

ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security management, which organisations use to protect their information resources from unauthorised access, threats and attacks, and ensure their security and protection.
We closely follow the ISO 27001 information security management system and apply it in our daily operations and service delivery. We continuously monitor, analyse, improve and adapt to the changing environment, customers and other factors related to information security.
We are professionally equipped to protect customer information from theft, loss or damage. We have strict information security management processes and rules in place to protect data from negative impacts. Our employees are trained to the highest standards of information security and are ready to take appropriate action.
Compliance with ISO 27001 assures our customers that their data and information will be securely stored and processed.

ISO 20000-1
ISO 20000-1 is the international standard for information technology service management, which helps organisations to ensure the provision of high quality IT services and process management.
Following acquisition of this international certification, we are committed to providing the best possible IT service experience for our customers. We apply strict service management rules to ensure the stability, performance and availability of IT systems.
With the ISO 20000-1 certification, we can attest to the quality and reliability of our IT services. We continuously improve our service processes and regularly conduct service and process audits to ensure high quality and reliable IT service delivery to our customers.

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an international environmental management standard that helps organisations manage their environmental impact and achieve long-term sustainable development.
As a company, we are ISO 14001 certified and make every effort to ensure that our business activities are as environmentally friendly as possible.
We carry out regular assessments to monitor our environmental factors, identifying potential risks and solutions to problems. We apply every effort to reduce our use of energy and raw materials to minimise our environmental impact. We continuously improve our operations to ensure that we are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is an international standard that defines quality management systems and helps organisations ensure that their products and services meet customer requirements and high quality standards.
Our company is ISO 9001 certified, which means that we have clear and effective quality management policies and procedure systems in place. Our aim is to provide our customers with reliable and high-quality services.
With the ISO 9001 certification, we can more easily reach customers who also value high quality of service and the highest standards. This gives us added confidence and reassures our customers that we are committed to the highest quality standards and have appropriate processes in place to ensure that our services meet our customers’ needs and improve their experience in receipt of our services.