Successful businesses sign with an e-signature!

Simplify your workflow by signing
with a qualified electronic signature
Try free of charge
*6 signatures and document checks per month
No need to enter card or bank details


Sign documents with customers,
employees, partners and suppliers

For sales representatives

Speed up sales processes

For administration

Simplify your customers’ journey

For HR Department

Simplify new staff recruitment

For IT specialists

Easy integration and automation

How does it work?

Register once – sign in just seconds
  • Log in with Smart-ID, Mobile-ID (m-signature), USB stick or ID card
  • Confirm your e-mail address when you register
  • Upload PDF, PDF-LT, ADOC, Asic
  • Files up to 200 MB
  • Check whether the document has legal force
  • Sign with Smart-ID, Mobile-ID (m-signature), USB stick or ID card
  • Fill in metadata in an easy way
  • Sign with a qualified timestamp
  • Send an invitation and reminder
  • Monitor the signing process
  • Receive a notification when the document has been signed
  • Download immediately
  • Store your documents indefinitely
  • Share documents with your team
  • Sort and store

100% safe

Elpako is a qualified trust
service provider in the EU

100% safe

Elpako is a qualified trust
service provider in the EU
About trust

Works for everyone

Simple for personal use – powerful for business

For individuals

  • 20 signatures per month
  • €0.29 per additional signature
  • Unlimited document checks
  • Unlimited space for documents
  • Indefinite storage of documents
Prices do not include VAT
The most popular plan!

For teams

/per person per month
/per person per month
  • 40 signatures per month
  • €0.29 per additional signature
  • Unlimited document checks
  • Unlimited space for documents
  • Indefinite storage of documents
  • Classification of documents
  • Communicate within the team
Prices do not include VAT

Individual API

from €0.14
/per unit
from €0.12
/per unit
  • Unlimited signing
  • Personal identification
  • Qualified timestamps
  • Electronic seal
  • Payment for transactions only
  • Full functionality
  • Fully customised solutions
  • Integration into your system
Prices do not include VAT
Try free of charge
*6 signatures and document checks per month
No need to enter card or bank details
Connect to more than 100 companies using Elpako

For growing teams

Make your job easier by streamlining the process of signing documents securely, quickly and easily

Meets individuality

API e-signature integrations will help efficiently manage digital business processes and quality of e-services, and will bring your user experience to the next level


Elpako answers
your questions

Electronic signature is a legally valid means of signing and electronic identification of a legal or natural person governed by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Documents signed with an electronic signature bear the same legal standing as paper documents signed in the traditional (handwritten) manner.

It is widely used for signing various electronic documents (letters, contracts), connecting to electronic government gateways, banks or electronic service systems of other institutions.

The legal regulation of all electronic signatures, electronic seals and timestamps is laid down in the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (hereinafter referred to as the eIDAS Regulation).

The legal regulation of eIDAS in Lithuania is also regulated by the Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions, which regulates the legal effect of electronic signature, electronic seal, electronic timestamp and trust services, obligations of trust service providers and users, terms of and procedure for suspension and revocation of qualified certificates for electronic signature, electronic seal or certificates for website authentication, and supervision of trust service providers.

Qualified electronic signatures are considered to be the ultimate security tool.

Only official providers on the EU trust services list can issue a qualified electronic signature certificate. A document signed with a qualified e-signature has the same legal standing as a hand-signed document. The regulation and legislation regulating this signature is the uniform across the EU, while compliance at national level is supervised and enforced by each EU country independently.

Signing up takes just a few minutes and is very simple:

1. Verify your identity with Smart-ID, Mobile-ID (m-signature), USB stick or ID card. Confirm your e-mail address when you register.

2. Upload the document you want and sign with a qualified electronic signature with: Smart-ID, Mobile-ID (m-signature), USB stick or ID card.

Done! Your documents are signed!

Elpako’s qualified electronic signature ensures the highest data security. This electronic signature is fully compliant with the trust measures listed in the European Union’s list of trust service providers. The security of the signature is also guaranteed by a surety bond issued by an insurance company.

In Lithuania, electronic signatures are already considered an indispensable part of personal and professional comfort by natural and legal persons.

Electronic documents signed at the touch of a button create a new user experience and allow unrestricted access to all the benefits of the digital space.

It also actively contributes to the conservation of natural resources by eliminating paper documents and saving time spent travelling to exchange documents.

Sign with e-signature and
save one tree a year

Make a successful transition to
a sustainable lifestyle with e-signature